The Summer of Our Discontent
While the moral decay of American society is an over-discussed topic, this summer has made me think a lot about Steinbeck’s The Winter of Our Discontent.
Kids Are Alright…?
To have kids or not is so obviously a personal choice that it’s been surprising to see so much debate around it.
Don’t Summon the Demon
With all the current concern about AI regulation and lawsuits, especially in regards to copyright, fair use, and disinformation, I find myself immersed in a little time-swapping exercise.
I Would Have Saved the World… But There was a Patent Infringement
Fine, it may sound dramatic, and obviously no one would actually choose to not save the world just to avoid an IP lawsuit, and that is the problem.
To Accelerate, e/acc Must Die
To accelerate is to constantly evolve, adapt, and change. It is to be willing to abandon the comfortable known as new ideas are formulated...
Cultural Necrophilia and AI
Cultural Necrophilia is the act of digging up dead pieces of our culture, re-animating them as lifeless simulacra of what they once were, then selling them.
Why Accelerate? Why Now?
If you care about the future of humanity and choose to work toward the betterment of our species, you must make a decision about which path we should travel and how you are going to help get us on it.
It is not a controversial statement to say we have an information overload problem. One has simply to exist in modernity to feel it. It is the water in which we swim.
What's All This, Then?
This site is a collection of essays and media created by me, Sean, and broadly focused on information and the future.